Licensing and Permits
Water Licences
The Yukon Water Board promotes the responsible use of water, and requires reporting, which allows regulators to track water use and the health of the aquatic ecosystem.
Water licences fall into nine categories: Agricultural (AG), Conservation (CN), Hydro (HY), Industrial (IN), Municipal (MN), Miscellaneous (MS), Placer (PM), Quartz (QZ), and Recreational (RE). Other criteria that can trigger the requirement for a water licence under the Waters Regulation include watercourse crossings, diversions, and the deposit of waste.
The Yukon Water Board is responsible for the issuance of water use licences for the use of water and/or the deposit of waste into water.
Drinking Water Permits
Environmental Health Services is responsible for the issuance of drinking water permits under the Drinking Water Regulation. An approval to construct is required prior to the construction or substantial modification of a large public drinking water system. The proposed design/plan must meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Regulation and be capable of producing safe drinking water.
Large pubic drinking water systems and trucked distribution systems are required to have a Permit to Operate from Environmental Health Services prior to the provision of drinking water.
Sewage Disposal Permits
Environmental Health Services is responsible for the issuance of sewage disposal permits under the Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation. A permit is required prior to the construction, installation, or substantial repair of a sewage disposal system or connection to an existing sewage disposal system.
Written approval from Environmental Health Services is required prior to use of a sewage disposal system. To facilitate the process, Environmental Health Services must be contacted 72 hours prior to back-filling a sewage disposal system. In addition, a photographic record of the stages of installation, together with a completed notification form, must be submitted within 30 days of system installation.
The installation is evaluated against the information provided on the application used as the basis to issue the permit to install, compliance with regulatory requirements and protection of public health.
Solid Waste Permits
Solid waste permits are issued under the Environment Act and Solid Waste Regulations to all operators of public waste disposal facilities where waste is being or has been disposed on site. Permits require the installation of groundwater wells and regular monitoring of water quality in the wells and surface water around the facility, both while the facility is in operation and afterward.
The Environmental Programs Branch is responsible for the issuance of solid waste permits.