Improve the Sharing of Information about Yukon’s Water
Yukon government (YG) understands that residents of Yukon want to be involved in the ongoing monitoring and management of Yukon’s water resources. Water users such as students, First Nations, government analysts, and water licensees are all frequently searching for information that helps them better understand specific aspects about water resources in their respective areas of interest. Accordingly, YG provides information to the public about Yukon’s water and its water management activities through the websites of the YG departments that hold responsibilities for water, such as YukonWater.ca. YG is taking steps to ensure that improvements are made to these websites and other communication tools that share information and data with the public.
How is Yukon government improving the sharing of information about Yukon’s water?
There are a number of actions that YG has committed to under the Yukon Water Strategy and Action Plan that will improve how information about Yukon’s water is shared. These actions fall under two broad areas of work:
- Improve communication, education and outreach regarding Yukon’s water; and
- Enhance tools for sharing water information with the public.
YG has already taken steps to improve how information is shared about Yukon’s water resources by making significant improvements to web-based communication tools that are available to the public, such as YukonWater.ca and Waterline. For instance, a wide range of useful information about water resources monitoring and water management in the Yukon has been synthesized and provided through YukonWater.ca via the Yukon Water Strategy and Action Plan: Fact Sheets, the water data catalogue, the resources page, and the Yukon Water Strategy page. Efforts to share information have also been made by several YG Departments through issue-specific outreach campaigns, such as the Canada Water Week campaign that featured educational films and public presentations. The types of outreach activities employed on any given year will likely vary depending on current initiatives, resources, and annual goals.
Refer to the Yukon Water Strategy and Action Plan (English / Français – PDF 5.7 MB) to learn more about the actions YG is taking to improve the sharing of information about Yukon’s water.